Sunday, December 18, 2011

What Can I Offer

As we approach another Christmas, my thoughts have turned toward the true meaning of Christmas.

Often I wonder what we offer our Savior... not only at this season, but what do we offer him throughout the entire year? I know that he says "thou shalt offer a sacrifice unto the Lord thy God in righteousness, even that of a broken heart and a contrite spirit."

I wonder about my own heart, is it still running free as a mustang on the prairie, or has my spirit been tamed...broken as you will, like a horse willing to come when his master beckons.

Am I willing to do what He asks of me, looking forward with faith, knowing that He would ask nothing of me that He wouldn't expect me to accomplish...not on my own, but with His help.

What more can I offer?

Has my gift to Him been sufficient?

I think back to the time when the widow gave her two mites and some thought that it was a paltry offering...until the Master stated that hers was more than the rest who gave much more, because she gave all she had.

Thinking back to last January when we narrowly escaped having a head-on that most likely would have taken our lives, I have come to realize His hand in the outcome. We came through the debris thrown in our path almost untouched. I know what I saw thrown into the air along with that cloud of dust. Without some intervention from some unseen power, we wouldn't have been so fortunate to continue this life.

I have come to the conclusion that there must still be something left in this life for me to accomplish. Perhaps it has something to do with my new calling, working with LDS Family Services in the addiction recovery program. Perhaps not to help others, but to help me to overcome pride and turn my heart, my life un to Christ without reservation.

Perhaps I have the opportunity to serve my family and friends by example, by word and love for another season.

I am grateful for our Savior. As we celebrate His birth, I personally celebrate his atonement, his redeeming sacrifice where he suffered for our sins and pain and worries and hurts, taking some of the burden from us. By doing so, he understands how we feel and he knows how to comfort us.

Might we, might I always be found in His service is my Christmas wish. This wish/gift I give to you.