Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Some people besides my family know that I'm going to have a knee replaced. I wish there was some other alternative but I've tried about everything else.
The doctor who is going to do the surgery requires that I have an EKG to make sure my heart is working properly. I made the appointment at the hospital, got an EKG done and they sent the results to the surgeon. The people at the surgeons office called and said that the EKG was abnormal and I would need a cardiologist to give me clearance before I could get the knee done.
This last week, I went to the cardio clinic where they did another EKG. Then, to make sure I was OK, they had me come back the next day for a stress test. I've done a stress test on a treadmill before, but because of my knees, they did the stress part chemically. First they insert an IV after which they inject some radioactive material so they can take pictures of the heart. After an agonizing 16 minutes with my arms lifted above my head on a table, the pictures were done...not. Then they did the stress part. They put me on another table and assured me that the test was safe. Then they injected a radioactive isotope, whatever that is, into my IV. They said it would cause all the veins in my body to dilate at the same time. This would simulate the stress put on a body and heart similar to a hard workout. I'm not sure what it did, but I was sick...very much like I had overdone a workout by a long ways.
After a few minutes the effects wore off and I felt better. Then they took me back for more pictures of my heart. First on m back with my arms above my head again for another twelve minutes, then on my stomach for another eight minutes. They assured me I was OK and that they would send the results to the surgeon.
The next day, I still had a slight headache and my stomach was a little sick.
I was on the phone with my daughter Christine. I was explaining the whole procedure to her and that I didn't feel all that well. Then I told her about the side effect of the radioactive injection...that it made me glow in the dark.
The whole family is laughing...SHE BELIEVED ME!

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